One year after publishing my book (08-10-05)
I have taken
time off from doing these commentaries since I had a platform to
write in my book. Since then, there have been a few changes in
the market that should be recognized. Argentina items are
slowly drying up, and will eventually gain the respect they deserve
once the flood is no longer felt. Prices for the Ninja Ku and
Satan are back in the 80.00 to 100.00 in some places, while others
like Sgt Slaughter will probably never get out of the gutter at
5.00+/-. Brazil Forca Eco figures appear to be going super
cheap. Biologico and Biosfera are dragging that whole series
down as those two appear to be everywhere. Corrosao is still
the hardest to find and would even warrant a price increase since
people are now searching to complete their sets. Forca Fera
are also back to their pre-flood price levels. European
markets seem to have a steady flow of figures just enough to meet
demand. It is actually a perfect mix of making people happy as well
as maintain their value. However, it appears the early
exclusive vehicles are getting much easier to acquire as eBay
expands their reach. One place where is still a black
hole....India. Internet use is still in the single digits and
that isn't going to change soon. Between that, and the
devastating Tsunami in December, there are more important matters
than plastic toys. Mexico products are holding very well.
Still extremely hard to find the boxed figures which should see an
increase in value across the board. - Ron Conner
Why call them "the Argen 7"? (08-20-03)
The term
"Argentine 7" (or Argen 7 for short) is being used more and more to
describe 7 hard to find figures that came out from Plastirama. These
figures include : Manleh, Mortal, Shimik, Topson, Redmack, Glenda, and
Invasor. Ok, I can see how the first 6 are in there, but why
just add 1 more and include the Invasor from Series 1? I have to
disagree with this inclusion and we should keep it to just
6 figures from
the Second series.
series is in a class by itself. All the figures in each series should
be equally packed in the case. Granted, there might have been a slim
chance that a certain figure could have been short packed. But most
of the short packing of today is happening deliberately by toy
companies. This creates a "chase figure" and increase hype and
we see an immediate jump in the price guide for this item. Anyways,
the "Argen 7" is made of all 6 figures from the second series release
and one figure from series 1 (Invasor). Ok, we all know that the
Argentina 2nd series is very hard to find in comparison to all other
series. So why pick one figure from series one? The Invasor is not
suppose to be any rarer than the Scarlett, Zap, Stalker or any other
figure from Series 1. Perhaps its becuase the Invasor is harder to
find in nice shape becuase the Invasor logo gets rubbed off easily.
Well have you ever tried to find a Series 1 straight arm Zap with both
thumbs intact? Perhaps the Invasor is picked because it is a rare
Argentina exclusive. Well there is more than one character that has
proven to be hard to find. Finding a complete straight arm Tan
Zap from the early release Falcon glider seems equally as difficult to
find. I have actually seen more Invasors lately than exclusive
Backstops with the Blowtorch mold.
So to close, I
pose a question. Should we now add these other hard to find
figures and make the term, the "Argen 10" least that rhymes.
But where do we stop? Honestly, there is no way draw
the line once you allow the Invasor in with the truly rare "Argentine
2nd Series". Let's leave it to 6 ...the entire Plastirama 2nd
- Ron Conner
How much is it worth? (09-05-02)
Case Scenario: Your girlfriend is pregnant, your parents kick you
out of the house, you get fired from Burger World and your dog dies,
all in the same week. You need money fast. So you consider
the unthinkable....sell your collection. Next you crack open the
price guide and start listing your stuff for sale. But can you
get straight book value for your stuff? Or will you have to take
something less? Well, everything has a value of some kind.
go up and down according to how much the seller and buyer wish to
agree on a price. Selling toys is like selling anything else. But
let us take selling cars for an example. A car dealer just received
from the factory a new and very rare car. Naturally, the dealer will
want to cover his vehicle cost, and operating expense totaling 30,000.
He then considers its rarity and condition. He puts the
manufacture suggested retail price (MSRP) and marks it up 20,000.
So now the "POTENTIAL VALUE" is 50,000. This price is in line
with other dealers and is accepted by almost everyone as a fair
price. But there are only a very small amount of people who can
afford to purchase this car. Most people can find a less
expensive car that fits their needs. Yes, everyone likes the car and
wishes they had enough money to buy it. But the simple fact is, they
don't have enough money available to spend on this very exotic car.
So the dealer has two choices. This seller can either hold the
expensive car for a long enough time until he finds someone who can
afford to pay the 50,000 price tag. Or he will agree to take the
best offer on the car as long as it covers his expense. He could then
sell the car today and make some money now instead of waiting. In
the simplest form: All car and collectibles are only worth what the
person is willing to pay (or can afford). The car is "WORTH" 50,000,
but the dealer can only find people that can afford up to 40,000.
Then he can either wait till someone has his asking price, or sell the
car for 40,000. Thus creating an "ACTUAL TRUE VALUE", of 40,000 for
the car.
To further break
down this scenario, here is a basic example of what amount of people
could spend on this rare car:
50,000 = Almost
no one can afford ( very, very few)
40,000 = A few
could afford
30,000 = Several
could afford
20,000 = Most
could afford
10,000 = Almost
everyone could afford
So which choice would you choose in selling this car? Sell now
and get some profit, or be in the position to wait and try to get the
full potential value? When you answer this question, you
will then realize how the world of selling Joes works. If you
hold out long enough, you will get full book value, or more for your
items. But keep in mind, most people aren't willing to pay full
India G.I. Joes - The ups and down of Funskool Joes. (06/12/02)
Part 1, "Help or
Hurt": India has stood out from the
rest of the G.I. Joe producing countries for several reasons. Mainly
because they are currently producing Joes for their own country.
They also help support overseas markets.
So Funskool is doing well and are
not going to stop production anytime soon. But are the Funskool figures helping
the U.S. market? Most would say yes, and others say no. The "yes"
answers seem obvious as they give collectors a chance to buy cheap
figures at a fraction of the American price. I am happy for that
because I have done it myself. But I want you to consider the
two-edged sword effect? With the recent release of Airtight,
Ripper, and Flint, these figures are being substituted in place of the
more expensive American Joes. Thus the interest ( and price ) will
drop on the American version due to the flood of similar product.
Granted, they will still have their place in a carded collection, the
people who just collect to play will no longer be willing to pay more
for at these. Another related concern is for collectors of older
India figures. The new Ripper, Beach Head and Airtight "2002
productions" appear to be identical to the original India release about a
decade ago. Even the cardback are the same. The only real way
to tell is the date code stamped into the back of the card. But I
doubt anyone cares to pay more for an older carded version if they appear to be the same figure and
card. The good thing is, I doubt the extreme variations like the
Blue Hawk or Red Stalker will ever be copied.
We will see what the future holds. It is something to
keep in mind the next time you buy a vintage peice and hope to make a
return on your investment. - Ron Conner
Part 2, "Love or
Hate": Funskool has a "spit appeal" among collectors. Some collectors
would pay good prices for a rare item, but some would not touch the
Some people accept them, others don't accept them for any of these
reasons I have heard : cheap thin cards, cheap thin bubbles, uneven paint masking/schemes, wacky repaint neon colors, and
for the old rumor that Funskool used lead paint. The newest reason was
a humanitarian reason. I heard the possibility of a poverty labor work force.
Very possible seeing that India is one of the fastest growing population
in the world. So the work force is massive and still growing rapidly.
Some would say the "evidence" is in the cheap wholesale cost of these
figures under 1.20 each. So factory direct cost must be even
lower. How can they sell them that cheap? One internet
source claims that Chap Mei's Soldier Force ( knock off 3-3/4 Joes) was caught using child sweat
shops for the construction of their toys. Either way, we do not
know for sure what Funskool is doing with their work force or if it is
even illegal. Just another thing to think about in your decision
to collect Funskool Joes. In closing, Funskool is not
on an even quality scale with other International G.I. Joe countries due to a tainted
reputation over the years. My hope is for a quality product at a
reasonable price. Even if it cost me more to buy it. The
topic is still debatable, but as long as Funskool is making money, we
will continue to see more India Joes.
Growing World Wide Community Leads to
Joes. (02/03/02)
If you sit back and think, we
would not be half as advance in our collecting if we did not have a computer.
The fact that you are on-line and reading this commentary is proof of that.
I have been collecting an trading for over 18 years. In that time, most
of it has been without a computer. I never even knew international
variation Joes existed before the computer. I just thought they were the
same color and quality. I was only accustom to the limited trade
magazines like Toy Shop and Collectible Toy Values which feed the underground
toy collecting community. Now with the internet, the entire hobby has
expanded to gigantic proportions. The community grew up when introduced
to the internet. With the majority of the families in the United State
having a computer , the US is teeming with toy trading fever. Now on
to my point of all this. We are blessed to have lesser industrialize
countries catch up with the rest of the world. We are seeing collectors
pop up in all corners of the globe. Just last month I was offered a Mint
on Card Cobra De Aco from guy in Brazil. I never thought I
would have seen another. After further consideration, I think we
have just broke the tip of the iceberg. There are more gold mines to be
found. It is only a matter of time before these international collectors
get on-line service and introduce their jewels to the G.I. Joe collecting
community. And I know many of you will be right there with cash in hand
ready to buy them up. - Ron Conner
Market Flooded with International
Joes? (07/23/01)
Part 1: I
have been waiting a little while to see if this title was appropriate, but it
seen it is true. My contact in Buenos Aires, Argentina has confirmed
that a warehouse of carded SWIVEL ARM Joes was opened up and is selling to the
public. This building was full of carded Joes in various
conditions. Most cards were damaged due to moisture. Over time the
cards have warped and the bubbles are separated or cracked. So the
anything under C7 condition has dropped in value. Remember, our price
guide issues values for cards in C8 condition, but even these values have been
effected. There is one major exporter that has been supplying the U.S.
with hundreds of carded Joes produced AFTER THE SECOND SERIES. I can not
stress enough that the straight arm Joes are still ultra rare. Do not
assume all Argentina Joes are easy to find. This is a perfect time for
anyone who would like to break into the International market. The prices
will not be this low again. My source told me the warehouse is already
sold out of the Ninjas and TNT's. So pick them up now. You
should be able to pick up a cared Destro, Ripcord, or Airborne for around
10.00 a piece. The 3 ninjas and Sparta seem to have been least effected by the
flood. You will still pay around 30.00 - 50.00 for
them. - Ron Conner
Part 2 :
is still producing more new G.I. Joe repaints. The newest wave consists
of General Hawk with Jet pack and the Crimson Guard Immortal! They are
being distributed through several toy companies in the U.S. This puts a
damper on short term values of series 5 through 10. But it does give
everyone a chance to afford some nice international repaints. Happy
hunting! - Ron Conner
Release of New Joes Spells Mixed Results.
doubt, G.I. Joe is going strong again in the toy stores. These repainted
figures have sparked the interest of a many people seeking nostalgia.
New collectors are just people who played with Joes in there youth. The
collector's age mostly ranges between 20 to 30 years old. Many are
starting to have kids of their own. Thus passing on the 3 and 3/4"
play time tradition as our fathers had done with the 12" Joes.
This strong market has created
record prices for American Joes. There is now some evidence of the
fever spreading into the International toy market. However this excitement
will be a delayed reaction to the U.S. toys. Let me explain. A new
collector is after what he is familiar with. Duke, Scarlett, Cobra
Commander are a few that have been highly sought after by new
collectors. Once these familiar items are bought, next they will venture
into things that the collector was not able to afford when he ( or she ) was a
youth. Now these collectors have a job to help support their new
collecting habits. Soon they will run out of, or get bored with American
Joes to collect. Thus they will seek the International realm.
Expect them to raid this aspect of collecting in a few
months. So buy International stuff now before the
rush. - Ron Conner
History Teaches Us Of a Possible Future. (03/02/2001)
I know the last commentary on "The Economy Effects "was a little
negative. I promise this will be the last message I preach of
"Doom and Gloom" for a while.
History serves as a warning to
all speculating investors out there looking to capitalize on the great success
the toy market has had over the years. One should maintain a wide range
of collectibles to keep from going under when one market crashes.
Ask any Pokemon dealer. Most are hating life right now. The good
news is, another collectors market will take over. Unfortunately, toys
may be next to take the fall. The history of collectibles has left a long path
of destruction in its wake. First Stamps dropped, then Base Ball Cards,
then Comics, now the toy market may have a huge target on its chest.
Star Wars toys have been on the slide since EP1. Couple that
with many new small toy companies fighting for the same collector's
dollar. Open up any toy magazine and look at the wonderful diversity of
toys. But remember what happened to the multiple base ball card and
comic book companies. Ultimately they ended up killing each other off
and the market along with them. So enjoy the great range of toys out
there to invest in, but be
prepared when circle of live comes knocking your door. - by Ron Conner
How the Economy effects toy collectibles -
Part 1:
Higher-end collectibles are
getting harder to sell at a premium price. They still get sold.
However, record breaking prices seem to be subsiding. The "new
collector" either does not know or does not care about rare international
figures or prototypes. It is the die-hard collectors that know how
scarce they are. These collectors are the only ones driving the high-end
toy market. There is still enough of them out there to generate a decent
market. Speculators are gone just like in the comic market after
1994. Who or what is to blame? Some say the SW Episode 1 glut of
product was the beginning of the turmoil in the marketplace.
The economy has been great
in the U.S. for over 6 years. But that can not last for
long. Signs are already starting to appear. The stock market is very
unpredictable and companies are really slowing down production. E-businesses
are feeling the effects the most. Wide scale lay-offs for
many online business not making a profit. 54,000 pink slip were
handed out last year for the "Dot Com" companies . After
Christmas job cuts were announce to be near 100,000 according to Fox
News. Thus, jobs are not as
easy to get as they were a year ago. It will have a delayed effect on
the collectibles market, but it will still happen. Changing
Presidents seems to already had an effect on the country. With business
slowing, there will be less collectors able to pay for their lost childhood
memories. If the economy takes a large downward spiral, you can expect
to see more "one of a kind" G.I. Joes offered for sale.
Americans have enjoyed the wave of "easy money", but now must
prepare for the wave to break and crash into the shore. - by Ron Conner
2 :
If the US market slows down, it will definitely have an
effect on the rest of the world. In fact, the collectibles market in
Singapore has slowed down tremendously. Partially its' because
collectors here are buying more from eBay now instead of dealers and toy
shops. Some use eBay prices as guide and ignore the cost of shipping.
They then complain that the toy prices here are too high. I have stopped
running my Sunday market stall for more than a month now. I'm not sure
if I'll return in the foreseeable future. - by Chan Kok Weng, toy dealer in
Ranking Project Leads to Ideas
We have seen new
higher prices reflecting last month's commentary. Early Argentina figures
have gone up as some of the recent India figures have gone down. Now is the
perfect time to fill those holes in your collection. Take a close look at your
India Joes. You might have a variation which brings big bucks from
collectors. Check out the prices for the India Short Fuse or Major Bludd
variations. They both are valued at hundreds of dollars. These are
older India figures, but there might be a few mixed in the lot circulating in
today's market. Prototypes are leaking in from Hong Kong and the Philippines
this quarter. Although these are prototypes for American figures, it shows
that the Asian market has released its hold of a few hidden
treasures. We have received some collector's input on our
the Most Rare G.I. Joes drive. The murky waters of International value
will start to clear up when you assess both the Price Guide and the Ranking
together. So take a moment to let us know which figures deserve to be
ranked with the rarest Joes. - by Ron Conner
The first written observations of International
South American Joes are still
king of the collecting world. Early Brazil and Argentina Joes were some of the
first produced, thus making them so hard to come by. No one bothered
saving the package like we do today if we ever do open a toy. Most
European repaints are doing well too. Also, early Australian Joes are
doing well under the Action Man name. There are not many trading on the
market, but they go for big bucks when are on the trading table. On a
downward note, newer release India figures are still popping up everywhere more
than meeting the demand. Also, select Argentina figure from series three
and newer are starting to trickle in keeping the prices down. All in all, it is
a great time to buy G.I. Joe before the crowd comes pouring in. With the
new 2000 line in the stores, it will surely bring new collectors in to the
market buying up their once forgotten childhood toys. - by Ron Conner